At Severn Cottage Services Inc. we have been providing Property Patrol Services since 1990.
So, why did we create the PATROL REPORTING SYSTEM” (PRS)?
In order for us to provide Peace of Mind to our customers, assure them that we actually performed the Patrol of their property and a way to offer proof to their insurance companies that they are meeting their obligations, we developed our own unique electronic “Patrol Reporting System” (PRS). Severn Cottage Services Inc. uses a PRS 2D QR Code. A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web address), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smart phone apps. We generate a one off PRS 2D QR Code for each customer that we place at your Cottage or Home. When we arrive at your property we simply scan your PRS 2D QR Code that directs us to a login page. We then enter a secure password for access to your personalized Patrol Checklist of site detailed questions customized to your specifications via a 3G signal. We then perform the Patrol and answer the pre arranged checklist questions for your profile i.e. checking for but not limited to break and enter, snow load, windows, doors, perimeter check for weather damage, and/or interior checks. We can also add any comments and/or upload pictures to the report which is automatically saved onto your personal login account on our web site. When the Patrol is completed and we submit the report to our data base you will receive and automated e-mail notifying you that the Patrol is completed. Within seconds of completing the patrol of your property you can access your report via our web site from anywhere in the world, save the report as a PDF file, e-mail it to your insurance or forward the report to the police as evidence in the unlikely event that your property has been broken into. Your personalized report stays in our data base for you to access at anytime. If you would like we can forward your reports by mail, fax or courier to you. Our electronic Patrol Reporting System provides evidence to you and your insurance company that we’ve been to your property by automatically recording the date and time of our patrol as soon as we scan your PRS 2D code then the GPS position of your property is locked in when we submit the report as additional proof that we are at your property. We can upload pictures of any unexpected damages found during our Patrol immediately or add pictures to each scheduled Patrol Report. If you would like to arrange for our Patrol Services or would like to see a demo of our reporting system just contact us and we will set you up with a login and password to view a typical report and set up a time to meet with you.
How does the PRS (Patrol Reporting System) and Patrols work?
10 easy steps to set up our Patrol Services for your property.